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Enexpro Seafood Products 2024
26th to 27th de November

Enexpro Seafood Products 2024 has consolidated its position as the sector's most important promotional event. This event unites a wide range of Chilean exporting companies from the Arica and Parinacota Region in the north, to the Magallanes Region in the south, together with international importers from various parts of the world, such as Asia, Europe, North and South America. The main objective is to facilitate the closing of new business deals and explore opportunities to diversify export markets for Chilean seafood products, highlighting the quality and potential of the country's exportable supply.

This edition of Enexpro will be held in person for the first time since 2019 after the virtual versions implemented due to the pandemic. In this event, exporters will be able to directly manage their business meetings with buyers of interest and this year we will have the presence of more than 23 international markets, interacting face to face in a dynamic and enriching environment. In addition, there will be an opening event where important current issues for the sector will be addressed, allowing the exchange of ideas and the creation of new connections in a post-pandemic context.

Today, fishing and aquaculture is one of Chile's main export sectors, with Salmon and Trout being the country's main export product after copper. Seafood exports are more than US$ 7.5 billion annually and generates employment for more than 70 thousand people in different regions of the country.




Business Meetings


Participating Markets


Importing Companies


Chilean Exporting Companies


Projected Business Volume USD


Who Can Participate?

Chilean companies:
Export companies with a legal status or self-employed, taxed in the first category, which offer exports of the prioritized products.

Priority will be given to the following sectors:


Atlantic Salmon, Pacific Salmon and Trout 
Northern Oyster
Horse mackerel
Sea Urchin
Deep Sea Cod
Spider crab
Razor clams (Ensis macha)
Loco (concholepas, concholepas)
Julian clams or taweras (Tawera gayi)  
Mollusks (clams, limpets and others) 

How To Participate?

Applications to participate in Enexpro Seafood Products will be open between September 27th and October 22nd. Once registered, the companies will be evaluated by the corresponding regional office. Once accepted, the selected companies will be notified through the external platform KOYAG, which will send them an e-mail with a direct link from where they can manage their respective profile. At this stage, accepted companies will be able to create a password, select their time zone, view registered business partners, request, receive and/or reschedule business meetings of their interest, among other things.



Key Facts


Meetings will have a maximum duration of 20 minutes.

Imagen 2

Scheduling: as of 4th November.

Imagen 3

Meetings will be held in English, except with buyers from Spanish-speaking countries.

Imagen 4

You will be asked to attach a company brochure and/or product catalog to the registration form.



Registration date: From 1st to 22nd October
Validation of registered companies: Starting 8th October
Scheduling: From 4th to 20th November
Business Meetings: 26th  November

* If necessary, ProChile may modify the dates to ensure the activity fucntions properly.


General Program of Enexpro Seafood Products 2024


26th  November
8:30 a 9:00 Accreditation
9:00 a 10:10 Opening Plenary
10:10 a 10:30 Café Networking
10:30 a 13:25 Business Matchmaking AM
15:05 a 19:00 Business Matchmaking PM
 27th November
8:00 a 19:30  Technical visits for importers


Do you want to know more about Enexpro Productos del Mar?
Leave us your message and we will contact you as soon as possible.